ENSIFERUM Releases Music Video For 'The Howl'

January 8, 2025

Finnish folk metal icons ENSIFERUM have unveiled the official music video for "The Howl". The track is taken from the band's "Winter Storm" full-length album, out now on Metal Blade Records.

Much of the material for "Winter Storm" emerged during the COVID lockdown, when ENSIFERUM's founding guitarist Markus Toivonen set himself the challenge of finding new ways to make music — eventually composing every song except the rousing, anthemic "Fatherland", written by bassist Sami Hinkka. The addition of singer/organist Pekka Montin's crystal-clear melodic high notes provided a tremendous boost on "Thalassic". But on "Winter Storm" — a fantasy concept narrative penned by HinkkaMontin's super-strong voice finds its optimal place in ENSIFERUM's sound. Bringing to life such grandiose, heroic material, the singer emerges as one of the greatest vocal discoveries of the decade.

"The Howl" follows the band's "Fatherland" video which told of a remote tribe who had been fighting against the Winter Storm Vigilantes.

ENSIFERUM bassist/vocalist Sami Hinkka comments: "In 'The Howl', we leap ahead many years from the battle of 'Fatherland'. The young boy grew up and became a shaman. His people are losing the war and as his last deed he calls the Old Spirits one last time. He sacrifices his mortal form and becomes a spirit wolf and starts his journey to find The One to avenge for his people's fate. This song is very ENSIFERUM-ish to the core: catchy melodies, powerful harsh vocals and singalong chorus. We've already played it on a few gigs; it's obviously a great live song!"

ENSIFERUM will join their comrades in KORPIKLAANI for a 2025 North American co-headlining tour. The journey runs from February 27 in Boston, Massachusetts through March 30 in Brooklyn, New York. Additional support will be provided by TROLLFEST and NINI.

ENSIFERUM's "Winter Storm" was produced by Janne Joutsenniemi, mixed and mastered by Jens Bogren, and includes guest appearances by Lassi Logrén on nyckelharpa and violin and Mikko Mustonen on orchestration as well as ELEINE's Madeleine Liljestam who provides all vocals on "Scars In My Heart".

"Winter Storm" was made available on jewel case CD, special edition CD featuring two additional bonus tracks, and digitally as well as vinyl.


Petri Lindroos - vocals, guitars
Markus Toivonen - guitars, vocals
Sami Hinkka - bass, vocals
Janne Parviainen - drums
Pekka Montin - keyboards, vocals

Photo by Svetlana Goncharova

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